Friday 15 April 2011

Review: XVI by Julia Karr


Nina Oberon is a 15--soon to be 16--year old. Most teenagers can't wait to turn 16, but not Nina. When a girl turns 16, the government labels them with a tattoo on their wrist. XVI. This tattoo tells everyone that they are legal, and ready for sex. This is her only concern, but only for a little while.

Soon Nina's life is turned upside down with a tragic loss and new information that shatters the foundation of all that she thought she knew. Now, everyone she knows and loves could be in danger, and her sole focus is to keep them safe from the threat of a man who could destroy the rest of her world.

I really enjoyed this book. It had a very nice balance of adventure, inner struggle and romance. The main character was strong, and extremely likeable. She's a leader, not a follower, and refuses to follow the latest trend, because it isn't who she is. I love that all the characters are completely different from eachother, but still they were all equally wonderful people. The only character I didn't like was Sandy. I didn't like her because she embodies everything that's wrong with youth today. So sex crazed and trendy, she lacked originality, but I feel that she did have a place in the book.

I believe the major theme is that the media has too much power. The government controls the media, and the media controls the people. Even though the book shows the exreme, it symbolizes what our society is becoming. My absolute favorite thing is that while in our world, most teenagers are fighting to lose their "V-card", Nina is fighting to keep hers. It's was very refreshing, and I believe that a lot of people (mostly girls) would relate to her character.


  1. Congrats with your new blog -- it looks great! And a great review to start things off! :-)

  2. I took away the big influence media has, too.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Happy to see word of this new book spread. Congrats!

  5. Fatastic review & I love your blog! :)
